Thursday, December 3, 2020

ഒരു വയനാട് യാത്ര ...

ഒരു വയനാട് യാത്ര ...

ദീപാവലി പ്രമാണിച് ഒരവധി വീണു കിട്ടി, ഒരു ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച! ആ ഞായറാഴ്ച ദൈവം സഹായിച് ക്ലാസും ഇല്ല ! മനസ്സില്‍ കണ്ടത് പോലെ നല്ല ഒരു നാല് ദിവസത്തെ അവധി ! (ഒരു ദിവസത്തെ leave കൂടെ കൂട്ടിയാല്‍)

അങ്ങനെ ആറ്റ് നോറ്റ് ഇരുന്നതാണ് ആ ദിവസങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് വേണ്ടി !!!

എന്നത്തേയും പോലെ എല്ലാവര്‍ക്കും തിരക്ക്, ഓരോരോ പരിപാടികള്‍... അങ്ങനെ വന്ന്‍ വന്ന്‍  ഞാനും മനുവും ഒണ്ട് ! രണ്ടു പേരെങ്കില്‍  അങ്ങനെ, ഇനി എന്ന പറ്റും എന്നറിയില്ല, എന്തായാലും പോയി കളയാം എന്ന് തന്നെ തീരുമാനിച്ചു !

വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച വയികെട്റ്റ് ഒരു 6 ആയപ്പോ മനുവിനെ desk ഇലോട്ട് വിളിച് ട്രിപ്പ്‌ പ്ലാന്നിംഗ് തുടങ്ങി. കുറച് മുന്നേ വയിച്ചുകേട്ട അറിവുവച് പോകേണ്ട് ഇടങ്ങള്‍ ഒക്കെ ഒന്ന്‍ ലിസ്റ്റ് ഇട്ടു. ആദ്യ ലിസ്റ്റില്‍ ഇടം പിടിച്ച സ്ഥലങ്ങല്‍:

1. പക്ഷി പാതാളം - 1 ദിവസത്തെ ട്രെക്ക് ആണ്. ഞാന്‍ വയനാട്ടിലേക്ക് പോകാന്‍ പ്ലാന്‍ ഇടുന്നു എന്ന വിദ്യയോട് പറഞ്ഞപ്പഴേ അവള്‍ പ്രത്യേകം പറഞ്ഞതാണ്‌ ഇവിടെ പോകണം എന്ന്‍... പിന്നെ കുറെ ബ്ലോഗും കാര്യങ്ങളും ഒക്കെ വായിച്ചപ്പോതോന്നി വളരെ വത്യസ്തമായ ഒരു സ്ഥലമായിരിക്കും എന്ന്‍ ...

2.ചെമ്പ്ര പീക്ക് - ഇതും ഒരു മോശമില്ലാത്ത ട്രെക്ക് ആണ്... ഈ രണ്ടും ചെയ്യാന്‍ പറ്റുമോ എന്ന സംശയം തോന്നിയെങ്ങിലും ലിസ്റ്റില്‍ രണ്ടാമന്‍ ഇവന്‍ തെന്നെ എന്ന്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചു..

3. സൂചിപാറ, മീന്മുട്ടി, പൂകോട് - മനോഹരങ്ങളായ വെള്ള ചട്ടങ്ങള്‍.., തടാകം

4. മുത്തങ്ങ വനം (ഒഴിച്ചുകൂടാന്‍ പറ്റാത്തത് ! )

ഇത്രയും സ്ഥലങ്ങള്‍ - പിന്നെ വയനാട്ടിലേക്കുള്ള drive - ബന്ദിപൂര്‍ / നഗര്‍ഹോലെ/കബിനി  വഴി ! ഇത്രയം ധാരാളം - ഇതില്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ പ്ലാന്‍ ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഒന്നും ഇല്ല !

അങ്ങനെ പക്ഷി പാതാളതെ കുറിച്ച് കൂടുതല്‍ നോക്കിയപ്പോഴാണ് തിരുനെല്ലിയില്‍ ഒരു  KTDC ഹോട്ടല്‍ ഉണ്ടെന്ന്‍ മനസിലായത്... ഉടനെ തന്നെ നമ്പര്‍ എടുത്ത് വിളിച്ചു! ഒരു റൂം ഉണ്ട്.. ഉണ്ടാനെ അത് ബ്ലോക്ക്‌ ചെയ്തു ശനിയാഴ്ച രാത്രിതെക്ക്...

ശനിയാഴ്ച ജിന്സിയുടെ കൊച്ചിന്റെ മാമോദീസ കൂടി ഉച്ചക്ക് വയനാട്ടെക്ക് തിരിക്കാന്‍ ആണ് പ്ലാന്‍..

ഞങ്ങളുടെ ഈ പ്ലാനിംഗ് ഒക്കെ അറിഞ്ഞ് അവസാന നിമിഷം രാഹുലും ചേര്‍ന്നു, അവന്‍ കാണാത്ത വയനാട്ടിലെ ഒരു സ്ഥലം കാണാന്‍ - പക്ഷി പാതാളതേക്ക് ... അവനു തിങ്കളാഴ്ച ജോലികെതിയെ മതിയാവു... പക്ഷി പാതാളം കഴിഞ്ഞ അന്ന രാത്രി വണ്ടിക്ക് തിരിച്ചു വരാന്‍ പ്ലാന്‍ ഇട്ട് അവനും കൂടെ ഞങ്ങളുടെ ഒപ്പം.

ശനിയാഴ്ച മാമോദീസ ഒക്കെ കൂടി ഉച്ചക്ക് ഒരു 3 ആയപ്പോ ഞങ്ങള്‍ മൂന്ന് പേരും എന്റെ കാറില്‍ ബാംഗ്ലൂര്‍ വിട്ടു !

ഐശ്വര്യമയിട്റ്റ് മൈസൂര്‍ റോഡില്‍ നല്ല ട്രാഫിക്‌! !!6! !കഴിഞ്ഞു മൈസൂര്‍ കടന്നപ്പോള്‍... അവിടെന്ന് ഹുണ്സൂര്‍ - ഗോനികോപാല്‍ - കുട്ട - തോല്‍പെട്ടി വഴി തിരുനെല്ലിയില്‍ എത്തിയപ്പോ മണി 11 !

തോല്‍പെട്ടി എത്തിയാല്‍ പിന്നെ നല്ല രസികന്‍ കാടാണ് ! ചില്ല് തുറന്നിട്ട പതുക്കെ ഓടിച്ചു പോകുമ്പോള്‍ കേള്‍ക്കാം ഒരുപാട് കാലനക്കങ്ങള്‍!...

അങ്ങനെ തിരുനെല്ലിക്ക് മുന്നേ കണ്ടു ഒരു ഒറ്റയാനെ ! അവന്‍ റോഡ്‌ മുടക്കി നില്‍ക്കഞ്ഞത് ഞങ്ങളുടെ ഭാഗ്യം !

11.15 ഇന് മുറിയിലെത്തി - നേരത്തെ ഓര്‍ഡര്‍ ചെയ്തിരുന്ന ചപ്പാത്തിയും കറിയും കഴിച് നാളത്തെ ട്രെകിനെ കുരിചോര്ത് അങ്ങനെ അങ് ഉറങ്ങി ...

ആ രാത്രിക്ക് സംഗീതം പകരാന്‍ കുറെ ചീവേടുകളും, ഇടക്ക് ഇടക്ക് ആനയുടെ ചിന്നം വിളിയും !

പിറ്റെന്ന്‍ (ഞായര്‍)) കാലത്തേ 7:30 മണിക്കേ റൂമില്‍ നിന്നും ഇറങ്ങി നേരെ Forest IB ഇല്‍ ചെന്നു - അവിടെ 1000 രൂപ അടക്കണം - 4 പേര്‍ക്ക് ഒരു ഗൈഡ് - അതാണ് കണക്ക്..

ഞങ്ങളെ കൂടാതെ വേര് ഒന്ന്‍ രണ്ടു ചെറു സംഖങ്ങളും ഉണ്ട്...

എട്ടരയയപ്പോള്‍ ഞങ്ങള്‍ നടത്തം തുടങ്ങി ... ഭ്രംമഗിരിയുടെ താഴ്വരയിലൂടെ നടന്ന് ഗരുഡന്‍  പാറ കേറി, താഴെ പക്ഷി പാതാളം കണ്ട് തിരിച്ചെത്തുക.. ഇതാണ്  ലക്‌ഷ്യം..

കോളയട്ടകള്‍ നിറഞ്ഞ ആ നനവുള്ള കാട്ടു വഴിയിലൂടെ 7.5 km നടന്ന്‍, കേരളത്തില്‍ നിന്ന് കര്‍ണാടകത്തിലേക്കും തിരിച്ച കേരളത്തിലേക്കും നടന്നു  ഞങ്ങള്‍ ഗരുഡന്‍ പാറയുടെ മുകളില്‍ എത്തി 


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

എന്റെ ജീവിതത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും ദൈര്ഖ്യം ഉള്ള ദിവസതിണ്ടേ ഒന്നാം വാര്ഷികം വളരേ സമാധാനപരമായി കടന്നു പോയി എണ്ണ സന്തോഷകരമായ വാര്ത്താ എല്ലാവരീയും അറിയിക്കട്ടെ .. :)


[മലയാളത്തില് ഉള്ള ആദ്യത്തെ blog ആയതു കൊണ്ട് തെറ്റു കുറ്റങ്ങള് സദയം ക്ഷമിക്കുക ]
മലയാളം font ആയ അഞ്ജലി ഓള്ഡ് install ചെയ്യാന് എന്നോട് പറഞ്ഞ എന്ടെ സുഹൃത്തായ ജോര്ജിനോടുള്ള എന്ടെ അതിയായ സ്നേഹം ന്ജന് ഇവടെ പ്രകഷിപിക്കട്ടെ .. ഒപ്പം ഈ ഇന്റര്നെറ്റ് ലോകത്തില് മലയാളം എഴുതാന് കഴിയുന്നതിണ്ടേ പറഞ്ഞറിയിക്കാനാവാത്ത സന്തോഷവും !!

ഈ സന്തോഷത്തില് എനിക്ക് ഒരു മലയാളം ബ്ലോഗ് കൂടി തുയങ്ങിയാല് കൊല്ലം എണ്ണ ഒരു തോന്നല് വന്നിട്ടുണ്ട് ... പക്ഷെ അതില് എന്ത് എഴുത്തും എന്ന മാത്രം അറിയില്ല .. [:d]

Thursday, December 20, 2007

mY LasT LaB eXaM (Hopefuly)

S 7 labs just ended and ya its the last lab exams in my life (Hopefully, if i will pass in them)... Ya I m adding those lines in the braces coz i m not sure if I will pass in one of those exams.

Being a MTHSSian, I have been attending lab exams from VIIIth and by god's grace I have been very good in lab exams, especially in the Electronics labs. On 18th i had my last (Again, Hopefully the last one) in my B.Tech life. It was the communication Lab II. It was really a bad lab from the day I of the lab, the main cause being that Mr.XX was in charge of it. No one was there to verify the results and no one to approach if we didn't get the output's. the only help was from Biju sir when he accidentally step into the lab in our lab hours.
Anyways we did the experiments as much as we can and got OP for almost every experiments. Since no one really bothered about the OP everything was just fine.

Now i will come to the 18th of December 2007, My comm lab exam date. I was in the first batch to get in on that day. Got inside the lab. I was really tensed (which normally don't happen with me ) prayed well and took up the qn paper and looked at it. I was like OMG ... when i saw the 8085 interfacing with DAC to generate a triangular wave qn. I had no idea even abt the instruction set of 8085 at that time.

Had no other choice that to replace the qn. Had to suffer lota chori for that. The next qn being to demonstrate TDM without using any switching IC's. I was quite confident in getting the Op. But wen i designed the ckt with transistor's, they wanted me to do it using MOSFET. I designed the ckt and moved to the desk with components. I had a first touch on a real MOSFET at that time only !

Almost 1 hr has already passed by now and i wired up the ckt and powered on the power supply. Yep, the CRO screen was blank. And in between the viva went. It wasn't that bad.. but was never a good one. Now the tension grew up and time went by. At around 1:10 pm, taking 40 extra min, and with the help from Mr. Cijo, I cud get a partial OP on my answer paper.

With a heavy heart, i had to walk out from the lab. With all my previous mark lists with marks above 68 in all labs, I am praying to get a pass mark in the last electronics lab in my Life.

You too pls do pray 4 me ..

Sunday, December 2, 2007

hOneY, i GoT pLacEd

02.03.07: It was one of the most eventful days "sambhava bahulamaaya dinam" in my life. Not just another placement blog !

It was on 2.3.07 when wipro visited our campus ... the first company to visit the campus for the 04-08 batch ... [:d]

As any elec student wud do, i too was appearing for vlsi. The pre-placement talk was scheduled to start @ 8:30 am (thatz what our placement coordinators had announced). The selection process was like they will come and do a presentation, then a written round and that followed by a tech interview and a HR interview...

Got brother's byke for conveyance. The deal was that i would go and pick him up from his office at Vytila after i finished my placement process at college. Started off from home with good hope and confidence to get into Wipro, if i have enough of HIS grace. Reached college well before time, as i always do. There were only a few people in the college. Yeah everyone was kinda nervous to write the first 'real' placement test. (we had written a lot of dose mock placement tests : Thankz to the Placement Cell, MEC )

By 9:00 am or so almost everyone in my batch reached the college and the nervousness and tension was clearly visible on many of them. Every one was eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Wipro team who are now our God's ... :D

Before it was too late, the wipro team reached the college and we, the students who were waiting for them in the auditorium was in the most disciplined fashion welcoming our God's of the day. I don't remember the name of the peple who came, but i remember the team contained some 8 - 10 ppl. 4 of them i remember by their looks. 2 of them obviously were 'pretty angels', another guy with a katta buji look and another guy with a rude look, and unfortunately was the head of the team, the HR head ... :D

Then it was some 1+ hr of presentation. To be frank, it was boring like any presentation. But no one was bothered about getting bored but was really trying to keep their brains work on what he was speaking there. Yeah it was a bit difficult (not exactly a bit in fact) to listen when some one is talking (like teaching) after being @ a college like MEC for 3 yrs. With all the enthusiasm everyone tried their level best and was successful in at least keeping oneself awake for the whole time of the ppt. So after the ppt it was time for us to write the prelim written exam. It was kinda OK qn ppr. I cud answer some 50% of them .. guessed the rest, though there was -ve marking (and i strictly advise you to do the same for Wipro exams if u r gonna write one) By some 12 in the noon the exam was done and we waited for the results to be announced.

We took our food and waited for the results to come. It took some time for the results to be announced. ya i was tensed, so was most of us. but some were confident, that they wont clear and some had already been selected without the written test (the top 5 ppl in each branch! ). At around 2 pm the results were announced at the audi and we listened when they read out the list, our figures crossed ...

It was a mixed feeling after hearing the list. Ya i was there is the list (in the last sections only) but many of us couldn't make it into the interview sessions. It was heart breaking for some while life giving for some others. After that they put up the list for interview. There were some 8 interview panels i think, 3 for VLSI n 5 for s/w. I was allotted the 1st panel and the time was 4:30 and i was the last but 1 person in the list for that panel. Now its the time full of tension n all .. d 1st people in d list have entered the cabin n r undergoing the interviews.

We were waiting at a room preparing for the interview with streetman, Gaykwad, Boylsted etc etc n ya some even had a mirror [:P]

The 1st news came about the interview results was that Vidya, the topper of our class was fired in the tech interview with one of the angels (who is an XMECian) and it was more than a Shock for us. We became more nervous and waited for every one's slot.

It was around 5pm when i was called for the interview. It was the same 'angel' who fired vidya who is now gonna interview me. (Vidya was called back by her within half an hr! Things like dat always happen!) . i was tensed but could keep a smile on my face before her (how rude it will be not to smile to her? ) The interview started with a C program, which was a totally unexpected qn still i could manage to write and the interview proceeded with some BASIC electronics qns ONLY. (Like trans as a switch, zener break down, tunnel diode etc etc etc. ) it lasted for some 15 mins and i was qualified to attend the next round, the HR. Had to wait for about some 7:30pm to get my HR interview done and it wasn't a big deal with the expected qns like self intro, expectation from company, etc etc etc ...

Now that i have finished all the process of placement, i waited like the rest of 120+ students in the audi. By about 9:30 - 10 only the final results came and I, along with my 110 friends was placed in Wipro. It was really a glad moment for every one of us. Despite the tiring day, every ones face seemed fresh with happiness except a very few who were not lucky enough that they were dropped in the HR.

Now its around 10 pm and now i m gonna leave college to pick up vinu chettan and go to home. Till then i hadn't took my dinner and was really hungry. Kurian came with me and i dropped him at his house at edappally, and moved to Vytilla to Vinu Chetan's office. reached there by 10:30 and he was ready to leave with me. Both of us were hungry and it was myself who wanted to celebrate the placement ! We decided to go to some hotel in Ernakulam and not to go to the Thattu Kada @ kalamassery.

We started from his office at Vytilla to Ernakulam through S.A road. He was riding the byke and since i had a lot to talk about the things that happened a few hours ago, neither of us wore the helmet. (Usually both of us have a habit of wearing helmet while riding) i was holding the helmet in my hand and was talking to him. There was not much traffic in the road since it was around 11 pm.

Everything was fine till we reached the Manorama Jn . We were in a normal speed sme 45- 50 kmph only, but still it was too fast for Vinu chettan to break and stop the byke before we had a Kiss with a recklessly driven auto.

I can have a super slow motion replay of the event. It goes like this : Vinu chettan was driving talking with me, it was me who saw a vehicle from opposite direction with an indicator towards panampally nagar showing no signs to stop at the junction. Though i had a feeling its not stopping, but i hoped for the better. By this time Vinu Chettan also had understood that things are not gonna be really nice. He tried his best but it wasn't enough. The auto driver, not surprisingly as any other person of his profession was not bothered about any one else on the road untill he is hit. We hit him by the side and i seriously understood we were going to hit but don't remember hitting the auto. I was out of my mind for a few seconds.

The next moment i remember, i was on the road kissing it with my face some 5 feets ahead of the auto. I tried to getup and what i could see was the auto (a big auto, make: vikram) had its wheels on its sides and our byke terribly damaged. But I had no clue where my brother was. I was really worried at that moment. i was looking on the other end of the road. I am sure i really would have cried if i couldn't find him inside the driver cabin of the auto very soon. He could getup from there and see that i am with him, with no major problems.

What happened there was with the hit, he was thrown to the front and he hit against the side bar of the auto and went into the driver cabin of the auto. I was actually thrown above my brother over the auto to the road hitting my face.

Now that we have successfully got up from that position we looked for the losses/damages in each other. I had a wound in my wrist, when my watch strap pierced my skin to the flesh. It wasn't that deep still it was bleeding in good amount. And by that time i could feel some bulging in my face, mainly in my lips and around my left eye. Vinu chettan lacked any wounds on his body in the first sight. But the brand new Titan watch which is less that 3 weeks old was missing and also his mobile phone. He got his mobile phone in a few mins search but it was the end of his watch.
By this time there were some 20 - 25 ppl around us, every one staring at us and no one coming near us even to help us move the byke. It was really embarrassing that the only people who came near was some auto drivers, just because it was a accident involving an auto and it was clear that it was all the mistake of the auto driver and i think he was drunken. A crowd of auto drivers came around and "The" auto driver vanished all of a sudden ! I was taken to the Medical trust hospital in an auto and brother stayed there to settle things. Reached MTH causality they just cleaned the wound and gave me a bed to rest. I called appa and infromed that i was all fine. They had already started from home geting call from Vinu chettan that i was taken to hospital and that he is all fine. I am sure it was a great relief for my parent to listen my voice and know that i m also fit n fine. I lied down on the bed. It wasn't much painful or anything, but i was bothered about the injuries on my face. I asked for water and a nurse bought me water in a steel glass. After i had water, i was trying to see the reflection of my face on that steel glass and was making sure that i got no broken teeth or a deep wound in my face. [:D] A sister saw that and smiled and told me, its all OK, u r perfect ... [:d] i too smiled at her but my chin was aching

After a few min of lying down in that bed, with a green color screen near me, it was too irritating and boring. I called Govind (he lived neat Ekm south) and asked him to come down to the hospital. A few more minutes of wait, my parents reached there and both them and me got a relief. The doctor in the causality had told that i need a stitching on my wrist and need to be admitted.

Very soon Vinu chettan came and soon came Govind. Vinu chettan, though had no wounds on his body has severe pain and could hardly move. Both of us were taken for X-ray and later was admitted. There was not even a single vacant room in the 16 + storied hospital ! Not even a AC / delux / any room ! it was really strange. but it was the truth. I was admitted in the H ward and my brother in K ward (if i m not mistaken)

By this time Govind brought some dress and fruits for us. Since he could do no more help, i asked him to go home and he went after some time. I really felt the byte of the Kochin Mosquitoes that nite ! The pain in my wrist was getting more severe and it was really hard to keep the mosquitoes away with one arm and keep the other in rest in a lifted position. None of us could sleep that nite jus b'coz of those mosquitoes.

The longest night in my life however ended with a sunrise. It was really nice to see the morning rays to take a break from the kochin mosquitoes. At around 8 am Doctor visited me and was taken to stitch my wrist. I was at the operating theater stitching was done. i was taken to there and waited in a room, for around 10 - 15 mins. A young man was lying near me, and when i inquired he told he is gonna have an operation to remove his kidney to donate it to his brother!

From that room i was taken to the operating room. A small room where a doctor and a nurse did the stitching. Since there was local anastassia, i had no pain at all ... It all ended in some 15 mins and then the worst thing of all, i was taken to the post operation ward of MTH for observation of 1 hr !!!

It was a big room with lots of beds and almost every bed was occupied with patients and more space was occupied with bio medical equipments that with patients. It was the worst time i had in MTH. The people near me are under observation after serious operations like inserting steel rod. OMG i cant tell u how difficult it was to be there. I really understood at that point, it is nothing that happened to me. Really i was thanking god in that room. But i was too much disturbed with the "cries " of the people around me. After around 1.5 hrs i was taken ut of that room to my bed.

There were many of my relatives waiting for me there.. [:p] Every one happy to see me with not much injuries ... I was discharged the very same day. Vinu chettan had some "chathavu" all over his body and some pain killers were enough for it. He was discharged earlier in the morning.

Left the hospital by around 2pm. And the trip to have a wonderful meal after getting a placement ended in 3 food less sessions. The next time i took food was on that day night. i spent 1 full day with out any proper food !!!

So that was the most eventful day of my life!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

| i | mE | mYseLf | Part #1

Hey i m trying 2 write ... ya i know there is a huge risk in this .. because dis is d 1st time i m trying dis ... so if u have d courage n time 2 take this risk, read on ...

It will b better if i start with myself ... So here is how i became what i am now ...

My life ... well i remember myself as a primary school going kid .. i was just a usual one ... i had no impression about myself, just a usual kid. i grew up like d same .. i had nothing new or fresh in me ... tried to do many things ... nothing worked out ... n i remained d same... I was an average guy in studies .. or u can say an Above avg in VVB standards (Its my 1st school )

Well everything was absolutely normal till den .. i had no expectations of life ... no issues ... Life was just repetition of d same day ... I had a few friends den, yaa i loved them ... [:)]

It was wen i was in 6th std wen my bro passed Xth. He had good scores. 83+ % in SSLC is never anything less... but he had gr8 problem in getting admission in some college 4 PDC ... it was in yr '98 wen d govt was moving from PDC to +2 ... By God's grace, he got into UC College for PDC, and at the entrance coaching classes of PC Thomas, he met Rakesh Pai and heard about Model Technical HSS and my parents decided to move me from VVB to MTHSS... I never wanted 2 leave VVB (i don understand y i didn't want 2 leave, may b because of d new bycycle i got dat yr)

The biggest break through in my life... I joined MTHSS infact i was forced to join in 8th std... I cannot explain how irritating it was to be ther at that time ... All my class mates were among the toppers in their schools n some of them where undergoing coaching classes 2 get admission to MTHSS .. oh man i cannot tell u hw bad i felt der ... It seemed to me like every1 was selfish, and were born just to study n nothing else ...

Class tests every month, quarterly exams, questioning in classes ... huu i was really irritated n the worst thing was that almost every 1 was dying to study n get in2 the toppers list in exams n were like pleading to the teachers to let them ans the questions in the class... All these happened in the same class where i was there striving to push myself from the bottom 5 so as not 2 be in the list who have to go n meet the principal !!! i managed to save myself from that 'hit list' a couple of times but most of time, things were not good for me ... I was one of the 'Standing Army' in the humanities classes ...

I was really frustrated in the transformation of myself from 'An above avg' to a 'faaaaar below avg' guy ... In the beginning it was like i had no impression about myself n now .. i have a good impression that i m such a WASTE !!!

I was happy to see that i was not alone... i found at least 2 -3 people in d class who were in the same condition as mine ... !!! n yaa .. they were my 1st friends in MTHSS ...

Abel && Balu became my friends !!! It was like a bliss to get some one like you ... I think they gave me a light in the lyfe den ... Now it was a combined effort of v 3 to push ourself from the bottom list ... copying in exams n all ... ya things go easier wen u try as a team ! [;)]

Days passed by and i discovered my class mates r not just book worms and i found some of them interesting as well ... now i got a bigger friends circle ... had lot of fun playing @ noon intervals n all ... it was a big relief for me to understand that my class mates r not ONLY made to study, but they r good @ many other things as well ...

The good days in MTHSS started by the end of 1st yr ...

Now its class 9 n v have electronics in our syllabus ... Well ... That was a gr8 break through 4 me ... i had an added advantage that i had my cos, Madhu Chettan who was staying @ my home then for his studies in final yr ITI in Electronics. I was thrilled to study Electronics cos i have some one to whom i can approach for any help. Well electronics helped me a lot to make a feeling in me that i m not a complete waste... [:D] but still i was d same in almost all other subjects ... a below average guy ... But still i was happy since i cud prove myself that i was not a Complete waste ...

The dayz which followed were the most wonderful dayz in my life ... Oo dear .. i forgot to tell u something ... before all these .. i proved my self 2 b good as a singer... the very same guy who alwayz stood up n never sat down in humanities classes, who was there in the hit list of every teacher, won the second prize in classical and light music in Arts fest ... n yaa ... Galz... the started noticing me ... (i was noticing them from d 1st day in school ... :D ) Well that was a gr8 relief .. n with my good 'skills' i cud manage a reasonable no of gals as my gush friends ... ;)

I understood most of my class mates were too good that they cannot be but loved ... Der was a wonderful atmosphere in the class.. some wonderful persons whom i cannot forget @ all--> George -- Anju -- Balu -- Abel -- Anish -- Rahul -- Ambily -- Surya-- Sreekanth -- Anoop-- Vineeth -- Kavitha -- Anjaly -- the list goes on ... Really loved the time with us ... They all influenced me in some way or the other in what i m now !

Every one became so close to each other n v did a lota things together ... Jyotigamaya a hand written magazine and The class X website were jus a few of them ... i remember, when our Malyalam Miss - Mary got a transfer from Kaloor she was weeping to leave our class... i m sure every teacher who taught us will definitely remember us...

The Gang -- From left Abel, Me, Anish, Balu, Rahul (Year 2002)

And wen it was class X ending, besides the fact that every one will be in the same school (but in different class) and v were going to write the 1st board exam ... every one was really sad wen v realised we wont be the same class again ... Even our class teacher Jaya Miss, Prasanna miss and Jisha miss couldn't hide there tears in front of the class .. i m not exagurating but it really happened in our class !!!

The class X exams went well .. i think (i don remember) i studied well in the study holidays .. anywayz .. i cud get a good score in my Xth ... a massive 899/1000 !!! even i couldn't believe that score .. n that really gave me a SOLID feeling that i m not that bad ... :P

Joined XI th in electronics grp ... Missed many of my friends in my class but still it was nice to get the special one .. ;) New people in the class(who joined MTHSS in XIth) really disturbed us... bt still ... v cud adjust .. some of the new comers were really good as well ... Sujith AKA Susi (we miss u dear ... ) is the ONE i can name without any thinking process ... Lyfe went busy in +2 n u know y ... it was den wen i started geting d reputation of 'techie' (i think ... not sure if i got it from std IX :p) well things were slightly different den but still nice... got some new friends and d Sunday classes was real fun ... the journey in train .. v luved it .. :)

Trainile Ormakal From Left Vivek, George, Me, Anjith (Year 2004)

The busy +2 dayz went really fast ... In between nothing much happened in my lyfe ... i tried to take studies more seriously ... may b George was the reason for that ... I now have some aims in lyfe ... rite now to get into a good engg college... [:d] +2 dayz went by with all day classes + special classes on sat + Sunday classes @ PC ... ya it was hectic but enjoyed every day of dose classes with friends ... [:)]

Many a things happened in my life by this time ... i don know if i will b able to write them in detail ...
Anyways .. so +2 exam got over... and v started preparations for entrance exam ... Me, George, Anish, Susi, Anoop, Shanavas and Bibin rented a house @ tssr n stayed there for entrance studies n classes @ PC ... It was fun + studies der ... enjoyed dose dayz too .. classes @ PC , studies @ home, food from ICH -- the daily porotta+motta curry only .. :p

Susi @ train -- we miss u ...

Ya after the life there ... came the entrance exam... i couldnt do well ... :( got just a 3174 in kerala entrance ... all my dreams were in vein i thought ... Tried to get in2 Air force, but didn't get through the 3rd round of SSB interview ... but luckily i cud get in MEC through management seat ... Thank God !

More on my lyfe Follows ... While i rite the rest, u post ur comments ...

- Chacko

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Picasa Blogging

Another test Post.. This 1 from Picasa: This is the Best pic i took till date .. i jus love it ...
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Saturday, November 3, 2007

My photos

hey chk my pics @
n do post ur comments as well ..